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Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art and Craft cloth alk. paper (Mastering the Art and Craft)


Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art and Craft cloth alk. paper (Mastering the Art and Craft) 헌책

  • 저자 the Culinary Institute of America
  • 출판사 WILEY
  • 발행년월 2009-04-01
  • ISBN 9780470055915
  • 서점명 서문서점 1
  • 판매가 40,000원

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도서 정보

First published in 2004, Baking and Pastry has quickly become an essential resource for anyone who wants to create professional-caliber baked goods and desserts. Offering detailed, accessible instructions on basic techniques along with 625 standout recipes, the book covers everything from yeast breads, pastry doughs, quick breads, cookies, custards, souffl?s, icings, and glazes to frozen desserts, pies, cakes, breakfast pastries, savory items, and chocolates and confections. Featuring 461 color photographs and illustrations--more than 60 percent of which are all-new--this revised edition offers new step-by-step methods for core baking techniques that make it even more useful as a basic reference, along with expanded coverage of vegan and kosher baking, petit fours and other mini desserts, plated desserts, decorating principles and techniques, and wedding cakes. Founded in 1946, The Culinary Institute of America is an independent, not-for-profit college offering bachelor's and associate degrees, as well as certificate programs, in culinary arts and baking and pastry arts. A network of more than 37,000 alumni in foodservice and hospitality has helped the CIA earn its reputation as the world's premier culinary college. Visit the CIA online at www.ciachef.edu.

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  • Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art and Craft cloth alk. paper (Mastering the Art and Craft)

    • 서문서점
    • 판매가 40,000원

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